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Test Drive

(6 відгуків)




Ви дізнаєтесь 10 простих вправ, які допоможуть вам прямо зараз у вашому житті. Ви можете випробувати нашу техніку таким чином! Насолоджуйтесь!


What Will I Learn?

  1.  Relaxation: Muscles relax, tension is relieved, even the one in micro-muscles that are not controlled consciously by ourselves.
  2. Tranquility and peace of mind: After the session one becomes calm, satisfied, anxieties and tensions leave. The nervous system gets stronger.

Targeted Audience

  1. Both beginners and experienced massage therapists, psychologists and masters of various body/energy practices if you want to offer your customers a new unique experience and get an additional source of income
  2. For couples who want to get a new experience in relationships and reach a new level. Training can be done simultaneously for both partners
  3. For men who want to please their ladies with an incredible experience if you want to get the status of “the best lover in my life” forever (my student’s girlfriend’s exact quote)

6 відгуків для Test Drive

  1. Krystel Marci (перевірений власник)

    This lesson was a great start to something new. Now I know what will help me relieve tension and restore energy. Therefore, I decided not to stop, but to complete the full course of this practice. This will be my daily ritual from now on!

  2. Viktorii Cray (перевірений власник)

    For just $9.99, you can have a wonderful experience that will ultimately relieve you of the stress of ubiquity and restore harmony between your body and mind. I recommend everyone to try it!

  3. Jason Butcher (перевірений власник)

    I decided to try a sensual massage and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Already at the first trial session, I realized that it would help me relax and find inner peace. It is very interesting)

  4. Maria Sumosh (перевірений власник)

    I wholeheartedly recommend this practice to anyone looking for a way to relieve stress and find inner harmony. It’s worth it

  5. Vladimir Turo (перевірений власник)

    I always felt that I could not change the time of the first relaxation, but this sensual massage lesson in my concept of relaxation. Here you can definitely immerse yourself in deep relaxation, which I haven’t experienced in a long time.

  6. Negru Gheorghe (перевірений власник)

    Already a trial lesson was explosive for me. A great explanation of how the new energies will flow. You can have an amazing experience. I recommend it to everyone!

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