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Test Drive India




Ви дізнаєтесь 10 простих вправ, які допоможуть вам прямо зараз у вашому житті. Ви можете випробувати нашу техніку таким чином! Насолоджуйтесь!


What Will I Learn?

  1.  Relaxation: Muscles relax, tension is relieved, even the one in micro-muscles that are not controlled consciously by ourselves.
  2. Tranquility and peace of mind: After the session one becomes calm, satisfied, anxieties and tensions leave. The nervous system gets stronger.

Targeted Audience

  1. Both beginners and experienced massage therapists, psychologists and masters of various body/energy practices if you want to offer your customers a new unique experience and get an additional source of income
  2. For couples who want to get a new experience in relationships and reach a new level. Training can be done simultaneously for both partners
  3. For men who want to please their ladies with an incredible experience if you want to get the status of “the best lover in my life” forever (my student’s girlfriend’s exact quote)


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